That's precisely our goal. If you're new to DeFi and haven't explored it yet, this is a must-read.
On DackieSwap, there's an opportunity for you to generate profit without any risks: ARBITRAGE. As you may know, DackieSwap is a multichain DEX. Each chain on DackieSwap features DACKIE, QUACK tokens, and the stablecoin dckUSD. Due to market fluctuations, the prices of these tokens can vary across chains, creating opportunities for arbitragers to profit.
To profitably engage in arbitrage, the following conditions are required:
Tools to bridge assets across chains.
Tools to track the price of tokens across chains.
The ability to calculate profits that cover bridge fees, trading fees, and slippage.
For information about bridges, please refer to Bridges | DackieSwap to bridge ETH and stablecoins like USDT and USDC. Additionally, we offer a powerful feature called Dackie Bifrost, which enables you to bridge DACKIE, QUACK, and dckUSD across chains quickly and cost-effectively.
We recommend using GeckoTerminal, a powerful tool for tracking token prices. DackieSwap is already integrated across all the chains we support on GeckoTerminal. Additionally, we've created a watchlist of DACKIE, QUACK, and dckUSD across these chains for your reference.
When you bridge tokens from one chain to another or execute a swap, you need to pay swap fees and gas fees. Additionally, if the token pair has low liquidity, your swap order may experience slippage. You need to take all of these factors into account to calculate your arbitrage trade.
For example:
200,000 DACKIE on Base is priced at $100
200,000 DACKIE on Optimism is priced at $97
If you buy 200,000 on Optimism for $97 and bridge them to Base to sell at $100, you would theoretically gain a profit of $3.
However, in reality, your profit will be:
$3 - (bridge fee from Optimism to Base + swap fees + slippage cost for the buy transaction on Optimism and the sell transaction on Base).
That's all you need to consider when it comes to arbitrage. We encourage you to try your first arbitrage transaction and hope it proves profitable for you. Remember, everything built on benefits will be sustainable.